How I Spent My Summer
Five Stages To Unplugging At Gunpoint
Oh No! I couldn’t have
forgotten it, it has to be in the blue bag . . . but its not there!
[ A Very Long String Of Expletives Deleted ]
OMG! HONEY . . . I
forgot the [Expletive Deleted] power
cords for the laptops!!
Planning a ahead for a week at the beach with some rain in
the forecast, I brought my two laptops with the intention of getting my
newsletter out on time, working on the layout for the workshop book and the
daunting project of cleaning out my email. The best laid plans . . .
Honey, I will call
Tatiana and have her express the power cords. I have an express shipping box at
the bottom of the stairs, we can have them here by Wednesday.
What am I going to do
when it rains and we can’t hang out on the beach? OMG, I can’t get my recipes
for Buttermilk Biscuits or Lemonies.
[ Another Very Long String Of Expletives Deleted ]
My husband, Paul, very calmly turns to me and says, Honey, it won’t kill you to unplug for the
week and really be on vacation. You have enough charge to open up and hand-write
your recipes.
No, it won’t kill me.
I can still write part of the newsletter – old school – in long hand.
WOW . . . A whole week
unplugged !?! That’s seven days without a computer. It’s kind of scary .
. . and a bit exciting! Maybe I can get that illusive Third Eye to open.
So, I went for a walk on the beach to work off some nervous
energy. I collected tons of pretty shells and pebbles. I walked so far I had to
use my GPS to find my way back.
And we walked some more. We even walked the beach during the
pre-hurricane storm as high tide rushed in.
I sat on the beach and watched the Sandpipers and Plovers scurry along the surf’s edge and they pecked out tasty morsels.
I studied the waves turning and tumbling over each other with the fury of a raging redhead.
I analyzed all the shades of whites and grays in clouds. Have you ever noticed how the leading and trailing edges of a storm front paints the most intense and fascinating cloud formations?
So, this is what it feels like to Turn Off! I like it!
A week is too short. I wish we had more time here. Until
next year. . .
Joy, Laughter . . . and Apologies for being late with the newsletter.
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