There is a place. Like no place on Earth.

A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger!

Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.

Which luckily I am.

~The Mad Hatter

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ramblings From Rosemary

How I Spent My Summer Vacation 
Five Stages To Unplugging At Gunpoint

Oh No! I couldn’t have forgotten it, it has to be in the blue bag . . . but its not there!

[ A Very Long String Of Expletives Deleted ]

OMG! HONEY . . . I forgot the [Expletive Deleted] power cords for the laptops!!

Planning a ahead for a week at the beach with some rain in the forecast, I brought my two laptops with the intention of getting my newsletter out on time, working on the layout for the workshop book and the daunting project of cleaning out my email. The best laid plans . . .

Honey, I will call Tatiana and have her express the power cords. I have an express shipping box at the bottom of the stairs, we can have them here by Wednesday.

What am I going to do when it rains and we can’t hang out on the beach? OMG, I can’t get my recipes for Buttermilk Biscuits or Lemonies.

[ Another Very Long String Of Expletives Deleted ]

My husband, Paul, very calmly turns to me and says, Honey, it won’t kill you to unplug for the week and really be on vacation. You have enough charge to open up and hand-write your recipes.

No, it won’t kill me. I can still write part of the newsletter – old school – in long hand.

WOW . . . A whole week unplugged !?! That’s seven days without a computer. It’s kind of scary . . . and a bit exciting! Maybe I can get that illusive Third Eye to open.

So, I went for a walk on the beach to work off some nervous energy. I collected tons of pretty shells and pebbles. I walked so far I had to use my GPS to find my way back.

And we walked some more. We even walked the beach during the pre-hurricane storm as high tide rushed in.

I sat on the beach and watched the Sandpipers and Plovers scurry along the surf’s edge and they pecked out tasty morsels.

I studied the waves turning and tumbling over each other with the fury of a raging redhead.


I analyzed all the shades of whites and grays in clouds. Have you ever noticed how the leading and trailing edges of a storm front paints the most intense and fascinating cloud formations?

So, this is what it feels like to Turn Off! I like it!

A week is too short. I wish we had more time here. Until next year. . .

Joy, Laughter . . . and Apologies for being late with the newsletter.

Art Marketing ~ Life On The Dark Side ~ Are You a “HO” or a “BO”?

Making Money From Your Art
Are You a “HO” or a “BO”?

Guest article by Linda Tomsho

“Being good at business is the most fascinating kind of art.  Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” – Andy Warhol

Every summer I look forward to the Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh’s big art event of the year, where hundreds of artists and performers come to show their best work.

While visiting the Festival, I attended a talk by Rebecca Harris, Director of the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Chatham University called “Women Artisans to Entrepreneurs.”

Her point was that many women artists (and men as well, in my experience) neglect the business end of things. “I don’t understand all that business stuff, and I don’t have time for it. I’m an Artist, and if I create great art, people will seek me out.”

If that sounds like you, the question my business coach, Suzanne Evans, would ask you is this…

“Are you a HO or a BO?”

In other words, are you a Hobby Owner who creates art but doesn’t effectively monetize it? Or are you a Business Owner, serious about growing your market and making a real living?

Essentially, if you don’t see your art as a business, you’re probably indulging in an expensive hobby instead of creating a viable livelihood.

dollarinhandIf you really do want to become a serious working – by which I mean self-employed – artist, then you need to treat your artwork or your crafts or whatever it is that you produce, like a real business.
After all, there’s a lot of competition out there. So if you want to break out of the pack and make a real living doing what you love, you have to leverage your talent with sound business practices – and thinking.

1) Think of yourself as a professional artist – right now

artists palletYou may need to begin by changing your mindset about who you are and what you do.

Even if you’re still paying the bills by waiting tables or telemarketing, you need to define yourself as an artist and therefore as the owner of an art business.

That means you should be studying everything you can find about how to succeed in your industry. For example, how to get your work into galleries or how to sell on Etsy…

Depending on what kind of art you create, you should be educating yourself about the lucrative world of art licensing.

You also need to have a website and a social media presence.

Finally, you should always be thinking about building your portfolio and actively looking for opportunities to promote yourself and your work. That means networking at least once a week and attending events where you can expand your connections.

2) Don’t quit your day job (yet)

Obviously the plan is that someday your art will earn enough to support you. But the fact is, most artists or performers I know who are on their way up have a day job.

laptop-insideworkingMaybe you have what career coach and author Barbara Sher calls the “Good-Enough Job” – a job that 1) isn’t toxic and 2) doesn’t demand more than 40 hours a week.

In other words, you can support yourself without getting stressed out and still have time to work on your goals. Or you can have a side gig that pays the bills.

Either way, if you can think of your j-o-b as a “business loan” for your art business it will make it more tolerable!

3) Always be looking for multiple income streams

manwithlightbulbSomething that you enjoy doing that hopefully fits in with your creative work and what you want your life to look like. You could offer lessons to others… start a podcast… write a book… or sell your work to a greeting card company.

Use your imagination!

Start small with just one or two “alternative profit centers,” then add more if you want to. If one doesn’t work out, you can always bag it and try something else!

4) Create your personal brand

What do you want to be known for? What’s your niche?

You could be like Linda Barnicott, a pastel artist whose claim to fame is beautiful nostalgic paintings of Pittsburgh scenes.

Or you might become famous as the photographer who creates those distinctive images of newborn babies, post-industrial landscapes, or maybe even dressed-up Weimaraners (it worked for William Wegman!).

When you have a recognizable brand or niche, you become more memorable.
l design principles, and how to code your own email templates.

ABOUT Linda:
Linda Tomsho is the CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) of Different Drummer Coaching. As a licensed Profiting From Your Passions® coach, she helps clients connect the dots between their interests, skills, and experience to discover their “right livelihood,” then guides them through the process of starting their own business using Valerie Young’s “Life First, Work Second” philosophy.

Linda started her career in the corporate marketing world but soon realized the cubicle life was not for her. Being a self-bosser allows her the freedom to pursue multiple passions including blogging about movies, writing, dog rescue, cooking, travel, and curating her eclectic collections.

Linda lives near Pittsburgh with her husband Matthew and canine companions Bijou and Zelda. She is the mother of 3 adult children, each following a unique path of their own.
As a cancer survivor, Linda understands the importance of making the most of our time on this earth. If you dream of creating a life that suits you and working at something you love, don’t waste another minute!
Visit her at Different Drummer Coaching, and to book your FREE 30-minute Discovery Session, send an email to with your phone number, time zone, and best time to reach you.