Mary Randa Balster was an extraordinary woman! She was all about Family. Her family always came first. Aunt Mary’s home was warm and relaxed. She opened her arms and her home to everyone that walked through her doors. She made you feel special. Aunt Mary’s love wasn’t conditional. She just loved you because you were you! Not many people are like that.
Aunt Mary always hosted all the holiday celebrations. On average, there were between 30 to 40 or more people at any party. So much food that you just couldn’t help over eating. Oh and all the desserts! Pies! Cookies! Cakes! Then maybe if it were nice out, we would play a little Bacci. But the real fun was after dinner, after the dishes were cleared and we all sat around the table and laughed over old family stories. We would laugh until we cried and our sides hurt.
With her passing, my fear is the family will splinter off and we’ll only see them at weddings and funerals. I don’t know if anyone is up for the task of trying to fill those BIG shoes!
(How 'bout it Suz, you think you're up for it?)
Aunt Mary is back with Uncle Hank now.
We Love You and We Will Miss You Aunt Mary!